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Serge Houde

Québec, Canada
Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Hæsta einkunn: 50/50 IMDb 7.6


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
Nine Lives 2016 Stein IMDb 5.3 $57.814.445
50/50 2011 Richard Lerner IMDb 7.6 $39.187.783
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules 2011 Mr. Salz IMDb 6.6 $72.526.996
Personal Effects 2009 Judge Wettick IMDb 6.2 -
The Gambler, the Girl and the Gunslinger 2009 Marshal IMDb 4.7 -
The Day the Earth Stood Still 2008 Scientist #1 IMDb 5.5 -
Boot Camp 2008 Karl IMDb 5.8 -
The Invisible 2007 Martin Egan IMDb 6.1 -
Air Buddies 2006 Miles Livingstone IMDb 4.7 -
Paycheck 2003 William Dekker IMDb 6.3 -
The Score 2001 Laurent IMDb 6.8 -
The Jackal 1997 Beaufres IMDb 6.4 $159.330.280