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Jan Shutan

Þekkt fyrir: Leik

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Steven Whitmire (fæddur september 24, 1958) er bandarískur brúðuleikari sem vinnur með The Jim Henson Company og Sesame Workshop. Hann hefur leikið tveggja auðkennandi muppets - Kermit the Frog og Ernie frá Sesame Street - síðan skapari þeirra, Jim Henson, lést árið 1990. Persónur upprunalegu Whitmire eru Rizzo the... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: The Muppet Christmas Carol IMDb 7.8


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
Muppets Most Wanted 2014 Kermit the Frog / Foo-Foo / Statler / Beaker / Lips / Rizzo IMDb 6.4 $80.383.290
The Muppets 2011 Kermit / Beaker / Statler / Rizzo / Link / Newsman (rödd) IMDb 7.1 -
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium 2007 Kermit the Frog (rödd) IMDb 6.2 -
The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland 1999 Ernie / Stuckweed / Football Stenchman / Ice Cream Vendor / IMDb 5.8 -
Muppet Treasure Island 1996 Kermit the Frog / Rizzo the Rat / Beaker (rödd) IMDb 6.9 $34.327.391
The Muppet Christmas Carol 1992 Kermit the Frog as Bob Cratchit / Rizzo the Rat / Beaker / B IMDb 7.8 -
Labyrinth 1986 The Four Guards / Firey 4 / Ambrosius (rödd) IMDb 7.3 -
The Dark Crystal 1982 Scientist (rödd) IMDb 7.1 -