Náðu í appið

Sybil Danning

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Þekkt fyrir: Leik

Hæsta einkunn: Creed IMDb 7.6
Lægsta einkunn: Voiceless IMDb 2.2


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
Glass 2019 Security Guard in Car IMDb 6.6 $246.941.965
The Benefactor 2016 Jesse IMDb 5.2 $2.159.380
Voiceless 2016 IMDb 2.2 $418.940
Creed 2015 James IMDb 7.6 $173.567.581
Safe 2012 Shelter Security 2 IMDb 6.5 $40.346.186
Limitless 2011 Detective IMDb 7.4 -
Keeping the Faith 2000 IMDb 6.4 -
The Postman 1997 Woody IMDb 6.1 -