Náðu í appið

Jason Scott Lee

Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Hæsta einkunn: Back to the Future Part II IMDb 7.8
Lægsta einkunn: Tale of the Mummy IMDb 4


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
Lilo og Stitch 2025 Lūʻau Manager IMDb -
Mulan 2020 Böri Khan IMDb 5.8 $66.800.000
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny 2016 IMDb 4.1 -
Seventh Son 2015 Urag IMDb 5.5 -
Balls of Fury 2007 Siu-Foo IMDb 5.4 -
Lilo and Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch 2005 David Kawena (rödd) IMDb 6.2 -
Lilo og Stitch 2002 David Kawena (rödd) IMDb 7.3 -
Soldier 1998 Caine 607 IMDb 6 -
Tale of the Mummy 1998 Riley IMDb 4 -
The Jungle Book 1994 Mowgli IMDb 6.1 $43
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story 1993 Bruce Lee IMDb 7 -
Back to the Future Part II 1989 Whitey (Griff Gang) IMDb 7.8 $332.000.000