Náðu í appið

Luke Kirby

Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Hæsta einkunn: A Dog´s Purpose IMDb 7.3
Lægsta einkunn: Halloween: Resurrection IMDb 3.9


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
No Man of God 2021 Ted Bundy IMDb 6.4 -
Percy 2020 Peter Schmeiser IMDb 6.4 -
Glass 2019 Pierce IMDb 6.6 $246.941.965
A Dog´s Purpose 2017 IMDb 7.3 $205.035.819
Another Kind of Wedding 2017 Misha IMDb 4.1 -
The Samaritan 2012 Ethan IMDb 5.6 $2.521
Take This Waltz 2011 Daniel IMDb 6.5 -
Labor Pains 2009 Nick Steinwald IMDb 4.8 -
All Hat 2007 Ray Dokes IMDb 5.1 -
Shattered Glass 2003 Rob Gruen IMDb 7.1 -
Halloween: Resurrection 2002 Jim IMDb 3.9 -
Lost and Delirious 2001 Jake Hollander IMDb 6.8 -