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Jake Weber

F. 19. mars 1964
London, Bretland
Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Jake Weber  (fæddur 19. mars 1964) er enskur leikari, mögulega þekktastur fyrir hlutverk sitt sem Michael í Dawn of the Dead og leikur á móti Brad Pitt í Meet Joe Black. Árið 2001 og 2002 var Weber reglulega þáttaröð í HBO-myndinni The Mind of the Married Man og kom fram í gestaleikjum í Law & Order: Criminal Intent og NYPD Blue. Hann lék einnig Joe DuBois, eiginmann... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: Meet Joe Black IMDb 7.2
Lægsta einkunn: The Haunting of Molly Hartley IMDb 3.9


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
Those Who Wish Me Dead 2021 Owen Casserly IMDb 6 $23.384.502
Midway 2019 Rear Admiral Raymond Spruance IMDb 6.7 $127.420.861
Head Full of Honey 2018 Dr. Edwards IMDb 5.6 -
Thank You for Your Service 2017 Colonel Plymouth IMDb 6.6 $9.438.370
Hungry Hearts 2014 Dr. Bill IMDb 6.5 $6.921
Learning to Drive 2014 Ted IMDb 6.4 $3.447.633
White House Down 2013 Agent Ted Hope IMDb 6.3 $205.366.737
The Haunting of Molly Hartley 2008 Robert Hartley IMDb 3.9 -
Dawn of the Dead 2004 Michael IMDb 7.2 -
Haven 2004 Officer Powell IMDb 5.7 -
Wendigo 2001 George IMDb 5.1 -
The Cell 2000 Gordon Ramsey IMDb 6.4 $104.155.843
U-571 2000 Lt. Hirsch IMDb 6.6 -
In Too Deep 1999 Daniel Connelly IMDb 6.2 -
Pushing Tin 1999 Barry Plotkin IMDb 6 $8.408.835
Meet Joe Black 1998 Drew IMDb 7.2 -
A Destiny of Her Own 1998 King Henry IMDb 7.1 -
The Pelican Brief 1993 Curtis Morgan / Garcia IMDb 6.6 -
Bed and Breakfast 1991 Bobby IMDb 5.4 -