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Margot Robbie

Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Þekkt fyrir: Leik

Margot Elise Robbie (fædd 2. júlí 1990) er ástralsk leikkona og framleiðandi. Hún er þekkt fyrir hlutverk sín í stórmyndum og óháðum kvikmyndum og hefur hlotið nokkrar viðurkenningar, auk tilnefningar til tvennra Óskarsverðlauna, þrenns Golden Globe-verðlauna, fimm Screen Actors Guild-verðlauna og fimm bresku kvikmyndaverðlauna. Tímaritið Time útnefndi hana... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: The Wolf of Wall Street IMDb 8.2
Lægsta einkunn: Slaughterhouse Rulez IMDb 5.3


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
A Big Bold Beautiful Journey 2025 Sarah IMDb -
Barbie 2023 Barbie IMDb 6.8 -
Asteroid City 2023 Actress / Wife IMDb 6.5 -
Babylon 2022 Nellie LaRoy IMDb 7.1 -
Amsterdam 2022 Valerie Voze IMDb 6.1 -
The Suicide Squad 2021 Harley Quinn IMDb 7.2 $168.657.565
Pétur Kanína 2 Strokukanínan 2020 Flopsy Rabbit / The Narrator (rödd) IMDb 6.2 $153.000.000
Birds of Prey 2020 Harley Quinn IMDb 6.1 $201.858.461
Bombshell 2019 Kayla Pospisil IMDb 6.8 $61.404.394
Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood 2019 Sharon Tate IMDb 7.6 $374.251.247
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part 2019 Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn (rödd) IMDb 6.5 $192.456.290
Dreamland 2019 Allison Wells IMDb 5.9 -
Mary Queen of Scots 2018 Queen Elizabeth I IMDb 6.3 $37.807.625
Terminal 2018 Annie / Bonnie IMDb 5.4 $843.970
Pétur kanína 2018 Flopsy Rabbit / Narrator (rödd) IMDb 6.6 $351.266.433
I, Tonya 2018 Tonya IMDb 7.5 $53.939.297
Slaughterhouse Rulez 2018 Audrey IMDb 5.3 $730.762
A Cure for Wellness 2017 Tanya Vanderpoel IMDb 6.6 $23.083.334
Goodbye Christopher Robin 2017 Daphne Milne IMDb 7.1 $7.299.662
Suicide Squad 2016 Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn IMDb 5.9 -
The Legend of Tarzan 2016 Jane Porter IMDb 6.2 -
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 2016 Tanya Vanderpoel IMDb 6.6 $23.083.334
Z for Zachariah 2015 Ann Burden IMDb 6 $121.461
Focus 2015 Jess Barrett IMDb 6.6 $153.962.963
Suite Française 2014 Celine Joseph IMDb 7 -
The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 Naomi Lapaglia IMDb 8.2 -
About Time 2013 Charlotte IMDb 7.8 $87.100.449