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Corey Johnson

Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Corey Johnson (fæddur John Johnson; maí 17, 1961) er bandarískur karakterleikari að mestu virkur í Bretlandi, þekktur fyrir aukahlutverk sín í Hellboy, Kingsman: The Secret Service, Captain Philips, The Bourne Ultimatum, Kick-Ass, Ex Machina. , Spooks þátturinn „The Special“, Doctor Who þátturinn „Dalek“ og The Last Days of Lehman Brothers sem Richard S. Fuld,... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: The Bourne Ultimatum IMDb 8
Lægsta einkunn: Lair IMDb 4.1


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
September 5 2024 Hank Hanson IMDb 7.1 -
Morbius 2022 Mr. Fox IMDb 5.1 $161.000.000
The Mauritanian 2021 Bill Seidel IMDb 7.5 -
Lair 2021 Steven Caramore IMDb 4.1 -
Enemy Lines 2020 General McCloud IMDb 4.6 -
The Coldest Game 2019 Donald Novak IMDb 6.2 -
Radioactive 2019 Adam IMDb 6.3 $3.507.755
Hunter Killer 2018 Captain IMDb 6.6 $31.672.678
A Private War 2018 Norm Coburn IMDb 6.7 -
Megan Leavey 2017 Master Sergeant IMDb 7.1 $13.406.883
Cruel and Unusual 2017 IMDb 7.4 -
Genius 2016 John Wheelock IMDb 6.5 $5.681.622
Electra Woman and Dyna Girl 2016 Thurkettle IMDb 5.3 -
Survivor 2015 Eric Loomis IMDb 5.6 -
Ex Machina 2015 Jay IMDb 7.7 $36.869.414
Captain Phillips 2013 Ken Quinn IMDb 7.8 $218.791.811
How I Live Now 2013 Consular Official IMDb 6.4 -
The Bourne Legacy 2012 Ray Wills IMDb 6.6 -
The Bourne Legacy 2012 Ray Wills IMDb 6.6 -
X-Men: First Class 2011 Chief Warden IMDb 7.7 -
Kick-Ass 2010 Sporty Goon IMDb 7.6 -
The Fourth Kind 2009 Tommy Fisher IMDb 5.9 -
Universal Soldier: Regeneration 2009 Coby IMDb 5.3 -
The Code 2009 Voutiritsas IMDb 6 -
The Bourne Ultimatum 2007 Conrad Wills IMDb 8 -
The Contract 2006 Davis IMDb 5.6 -
A Sound of Thunder 2005 Christian Middleton IMDb 4.2 -
7 Seconds 2005 Tool IMDb 4.8 -
Hellboy 2004 Agent Clay IMDb 6.9 -
The Mummy 1999 David Daniels IMDb 7.1 $415.885.488
Do Not Disturb 1999 Hitman IMDb 4.9 -
The Innocent 1993 Lou IMDb 5.6 -