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Benedict Cumberbatch

Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch (fæddur 19. júlí 1976) er enskur leikari. Hann er þekktur fyrir hlutverk sín á skjánum og sviðinu og hefur hlotið margvíslegar viðurkenningar á ferlinum, þar á meðal Primetime Emmy-verðlaun, bresku sjónvarpsverðlaunaakademíuna og Laurence Olivier-verðlaun. Cumberbatch vann Laurence Olivier-verðlaunin sem besti leikari í... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: Sherlock IMDb 9.1
Lægsta einkunn: Zoolander 2 IMDb 4.7


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
The Phoenician Scheme 2025 Uncle Nubar IMDb -
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 2022 Doctor Stephen Strange IMDb 6.9 $955.200.000
Super/Natural 2022 Narrator (rödd) IMDb 8.6 -
Spider-Man: No Way Home 2021 Doctor Strange IMDb 8.2 $1.911.432.550
The Mauritanian 2021 Lt. Stuart Couch IMDb 7.5 -
The Power of the Dog 2021 Phil Burbank IMDb 6.8 -
The Electrical Life of Louis Wain 2021 Louis Wain IMDb 6.8 -
The Courier 2020 Greville Wynne IMDb 7.2 $26.000.000
1917 2019 Colonel MacKenzie IMDb 8.2 $374.733.942
Avengers: Endgame 2019 Doctor Strange IMDb 8.4 $2.147.483.647
Mowgli 2019 Shere Khan (rödd) IMDb 6.5 -
Brexit: The Uncivil War 2019 Dominic Cummings IMDb 7 -
The Grinch 2018 Grinch (rödd) IMDb 6.4 $508.575.295
Avengers: Infinity War 2018 Doctor Strange IMDb 8.4 $
Thor: Ragnarok 2017 Doctor Strange IMDb 7.9 $853.977.126
The Current War 2017 Thomas Edison IMDb 6.5 -
Doctor Strange 2016 Dr. Stephen Strange IMDb 7.5 -
Zoolander 2 2016 All IMDb 4.7 $56.700.000
Black Mass 2015 Billy Bulger IMDb 6.8 -
The Imitation Game 2014 Alan Turing IMDb 8 $233.555.708
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 2014 Smaug / Sauron (rödd) IMDb 7.4 $956.019.788
The Penguins of Madagascar 2014 Classified (rödd) IMDb 6.6 $373.552.094
August: Osage County 2013 Little Charles Aiken IMDb 7.2 -
12 Years a Slave 2013 William Ford IMDb 8.1 $187.000.000
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 2013 Smaug / Sauron IMDb 7.8 -
Walking With Dinosaurs 2013 Narrator (Prehistoric Planet 3D Version) IMDb 5.2 $126.546.518
The Fifth Estate 2013 Julian Assange IMDb 6.2 $8.555.008
Star Trek Into Darkness 2013 John Harrison / Khan IMDb 7.7 -
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 2012 Necromancer IMDb 7.8 $
War Horse 2011 Maj. Jamie Stewart IMDb 7.2 $177.584.879
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy 2011 Peter Guillam IMDb 7 -
Four Lions 2010 The Negotiator IMDb 7.3 -
Sherlock 2010 IMDb 9.1 -
The Whistleblower 2010 Nick Kaufman IMDb 7.1 -
Creation 2009 Joseph Dalton Hooker IMDb 6.6 -
South Pacific 2009 IMDb 8.7 -
The Other Boleyn Girl 2008 William Carey IMDb 6.7 -
Atonement 2007 Paul Marshall IMDb 7.8 -
Amazing Grace 2006 William Pitt IMDb 7.4 $14.000.000