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Tilda Swinton

Þekkt fyrir: Leik

Katherine Matilda Swinton (fædd 5. nóvember 1960) er bresk leikkona. Hún er þekkt fyrir hlutverk sín í óháðum kvikmyndum og stórmyndum og hefur hlotið ýmsar viðurkenningar á ferlinum, þar á meðal Óskarsverðlaun og bresku kvikmyndaverðlaunin, auk tilnefningar til þriggja Golden Globe verðlauna og fimm Screen Actors Guild verðlauna.

Swinton hóf feril sinn... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: Avengers: Endgame IMDb 8.4
Lægsta einkunn: The Dead Don't Die IMDb 5.4


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
The Room Next Door 2024 Martha / Michelle IMDb 6.8 -
The Eternal Daughter 2023 Julie / Rosalind IMDb 5.9 -
Three Thousand Years of Longing 2022 Alithea IMDb 6.7 $2.876.000
Pinocchio 2022 Wood Sprite / Death (rödd) IMDb 7.6 -
The Souvenir: Part II 2021 Rosalind IMDb 7.1 $98.929
Memoria 2021 Jessica Holland IMDb 6.4 -
The French Dispatch 2020 J.K.L. Berensen IMDb 7.1 $46.000.000
Last and First Men 2020 Narrator (rödd) IMDb 6.7 -
The Personal History of David Copperfield 2020 Betsey Trotwood IMDb 6.4 $11.620.337
The Souvenir 2019 Rosalind IMDb 6.4 $1.719.157
Avengers: Endgame 2019 The Ancient One IMDb 8.4 $2.147.483.647
The Dead Don't Die 2019 Zelda Winston IMDb 5.4 $12.104.595
The Souvenir 2019 Rosalind IMDb 6.4 $1.719.157
Suspiria 2018 Madame Blanc / Dr. Klemperer / Helena Markos IMDb 6.7 $6.348.889
Isle of Dogs 2018 Oracle (rödd) IMDb 7.8 $64.241.499
Doctor Strange 2016 The Ancient One IMDb 7.5 -
Hail, Caesar! 2016 Thora Thacker / Thessaly Thacker IMDb 6.3 $63.647.656
A Bigger Splash 2016 Marianne Lane IMDb 6.4 $7.545.758
Trainwreck 2015 Dianna IMDb 6.2 $140.795.793
B-Movie - Lust and Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989 2015 Self IMDb 7.8 -
The Grand Budapest Hotel 2014 Madame D. IMDb 8.1 $174.600.318
Snowpiercer 2013 Mason IMDb 7.1 $86.758.912
The Zero Theorem 2013 Dr. Shrink-Rom IMDb 6 $770.706
Aðeins elskendur eftirlifandi 2013 Eve IMDb 7.2 $7.600.000
Moonrise Kingdom 2012 Social Services IMDb 7.8 $68.263.166
We Need to Talk About Kevin 2011 Eva Khatchadourian IMDb 7.4 -
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 2010 White Witch IMDb 6.3 -
The Limits of Control 2009 Blonde IMDb 6.2 -
I Am Love 2009 Emma Recchi IMDb 7 -
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2008 Elizabeth Abbott IMDb 7.8 -
Burn After Reading 2008 Katie Cox IMDb 7 -
Michael Clayton 2007 Karen Crowder IMDb 7.2 $92.991.835
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 2005 White Witch IMDb 6.9 -
Broken Flowers 2005 Penny IMDb 7.1 $46.720.491
Constantine 2005 Gabriel IMDb 7 -
The Statement 2003 Annemarie Livi IMDb 6.2 -
Young Adam 2003 Ella Gault IMDb 6.3 $2.500.000
Adaptation. 2002 Valerie Thomas IMDb 7.7 $32.801.173
Vanilla Sky 2001 Rebecca Dearborn IMDb 6.9 -
The Deep End 2001 Margaret Hall IMDb 6.5 -
The Beach 2000 Sal IMDb 6.6 -
The War Zone 1999 Mum IMDb 7.2 -
Orlando 1992 Orlando IMDb 7.1 -