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Keith David

F. 8. maí 1954
New York, Bandaríkin
Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Keith David (fæddur 4. júní 1955) er bandarískur kvikmynda-, sjónvarps- og raddleikari og söngvari. Hann er ef til vill þekktastur fyrir hlutverk sín í beinni útsendingu í kvikmyndum eins og Crash, There's Something About Mary, Barbershop og Men at Work. Hann hefur einnig haft eftirminnileg hlutverk í fjölmörgum sértrúarsöfnuðum, þar á meðal kvikmyndum John... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: Requiem for a Dream IMDb 8.3
Lægsta einkunn: Against the Dark IMDb 3.1


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
Sneaks 2025 O.G. (rödd) IMDb -
Mufasa: The Lion King 2024 Masego (rödd) IMDb 6.6 -
Nope 2022 Otis Haywood Sr. IMDb 6.8 $133.000.000
DC League of Super-Pets 2022 IMDb 7 $160.000.000
Unplugging 2022 Gil IMDb 4.4 -
The Seventh Day 2021 Father Louis IMDb 4.5 -
Pups Alone 2021 The Wise Bartender IMDb 3.3 -
Horizon Line 2020 Freddy Wyman IMDb 4.8 -
Love Life 2020 Narrator (rödd) IMDb 7.5 -
21 Bridges 2019 Deputy Chief Spencer IMDb 6.6 $49.939.757
The Wedding Year 2019 Preston IMDb 5.6 $41.767
Night School 2018 Gerald IMDb 5.6 $33.157.615
The Nice Guys 2016 Older Guy IMDb 7.4 $62.788.218
Free Birds 2013 Chief Broadbeak (Voice) IMDb 5.8 $110.000.000
Cloud Atlas 2012 Kupaka / Joe Napier / An-kor Apis / Prescient IMDb 7.4 -
Snæþór: Hvíta górillan 2011 Anvil (rödd) IMDb 4.3 -
Stomp the Yard 2: Homecoming 2010 Terry IMDb 4.2 -
Lottery Ticket 2010 Sweet Tee IMDb 5.1 -
Meet Monica Velour 2010 Claude IMDb 5.8 -
Death at a Funeral 2010 Reverend Davis IMDb 5.7 -
The Princess and the Frog 2009 Dr. Facilier (rödd) IMDb 7.2 -
Gamer 2009 Agent Keith IMDb 5.7 -
Coraline 2009 The Cat (rödd) IMDb 7.8 $124.600.000
Against the Dark 2009 Lt. Waters IMDb 3.1 -
Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia 2009 Commander Scott Boytano IMDb 4.8 -
All About Steve 2009 Corbitt IMDb 4.8 -
Superhero Movie 2008 The Chief of Police IMDb 4.7 -
First Sunday 2008 Judge B. Bennet Galloway IMDb 4.6 -
S.I.S. 2008 Joseph Armstrong IMDb 4.5 -
Delta Farce 2007 Sgt. Kilgore IMDb 3.7 -
If I Had Known I Was a Genius 2007 Dad IMDb 4.7 -
ATL 2006 John Garnett IMDb 6.2 $21.170.563
The Oh in Ohio 2006 Coach Popovitch IMDb 5.5 -
Transporter 2 2005 Stappleton IMDb 6.3 $89.083.229
Mr. and Mrs. Smith 2005 Father IMDb 6.5 $487.287.646
Crash 2004 Lt. Dixon IMDb 7.7 $98.410.061
The Chronicles of Riddick 2004 Imam IMDb 6.6 $115.772.733
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 2004 CIA Director IMDb 4.6 -
Hollywood Homicide 2003 Leon IMDb 5.3 -
Agent Cody Banks 2003 CIA Director IMDb 5.1 -
Head of State 2003 Bernard Cooper IMDb 5.5 -
Barbershop 2002 Lester Wallace IMDb 6.3 -
Novocaine 2001 Detective Lunt IMDb 5.8 -
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 2001 Council Member (rödd) IMDb 6.4 $85.131.830
Requiem for a Dream 2000 Big Tim IMDb 8.3 -
The Replacements 2000 Lindell IMDb 6.6 $50.054.511
Pitch Black 2000 Abu "Imam" al-Walid IMDb 7 -
Where the Heart Is 2000 Moses Whitecotten IMDb 6.7 $33.771.174
There's Something About Mary 1998 Charlie Jensen IMDb 7.1 $369.884.651
Armageddon 1998 General Kimsey IMDb 6.7 -
Princess Mononoke 1997 Okkoto / Narrator / Additional Voices IMDb 8.3 $2.412.576
Hercules 1997 Apollo the Sun God (rödd) IMDb 7.3 $252.712.101
Volcano 1997 Lt. Ed Fox IMDb 5.5 -
Eye for an Eye 1996 Martin IMDb 6.2 $26.877.589
Larger Than Life 1996 Hurst IMDb 5.6 -
Johns 1996 Homeless John IMDb 6.3 -
The Quick and the Dead 1995 Sgt. Clay Cantrell IMDb 6.5 -
Dead Presidents 1995 Kirby IMDb 6.9 -
Blue in the Face 1995 Jackie Robinson IMDb 6.6 $1.275.000
Clockers 1995 André the Giant IMDb 6.9 $13.071.518
Reality Bites 1994 Roger IMDb 6.6 $20.079.850
Final Analysis 1992 Detective Huggins IMDb 5.9 $28.590.665
Marked for Death 1990 Max IMDb 5.9 $46.044.400
Road House 1989 Ernie Bass IMDb 6.7 $30.050.028
They Live 1988 Frank Armitage IMDb 7.2 -
Bird 1988 Buster Franklin IMDb 7.1 -
Braddock: Missing in Action III 1988 Embassy Gate Captain IMDb 4.9 -
Platoon 1986 King IMDb 8.1 -
The Thing 1982 Childs IMDb 8.2 $19.629.760